Ódor 2020. Pilis Forestry System Experiment. Informar Conference, Bonn.

Ódor, P., Aszalós, R., Bidló, A., Boros, G., Csépányi, P., Elek, Z., Horváth, Cs.V., Kovács, B., Németh, Cs., Soltész, Z., Samu, F., Sass, V., Tinya, F., Tóth, B. 2020. The effect of forestry treatments on forest site, biodiversity and regeneration: the Pilis Forestry Systems Experiment. Oral presentation. Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe, Bonn, Germany. Book of Abstracts pp. 67-68. https://efi.int/publications/governing-and-managing-forests-multiple-ecosystem-services-across-globe-book-abstracts

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